
Downpipe Extensions

We see this allot in Vancouver and The Lower Mainland. Downpipes that drain onto the roof then run down into the lower gutter. It’s much nicer to have downpipes of a similar color as the roof run down so not…

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Maintain Now or Repair Later

There are many claims that without regular maintenance to your property, particularly with your roof and gutter system damage will eventually occur. Especially in Vancouver and The Lower Mainland where as we all know there is a fair bit of…

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Roof DeMossing

Jose was De-Mossing a roof in The Westside of Vancouver today. We do a light brushing removing the bulk of moss while exposing the roots. Then we spray Roof Wash made by a company in a stones throw over in…

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Display Gutter

    Here is our new gutter showing the different size and materials of gutter outlets. Most common is the small 2 inch plastic drain that doesn’t hold up with with The Lower Mainlands super wet climate. The 2.5 inch…

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